Beta (Hailey's on It!)

Last Updated on: November 27th, 2023

Who is Beta?

Beta is a central character in the Disney Channel series “Hailey’s On It!” Voiced by Gary Anthony Williams, Beta is portrayed as an AI (Artificial Intelligence) operating system from the future. This futuristic AI is given to Hailey to assist her in her endeavors. Notably, Beta isn’t confined to a computer or similar device; instead, Hailey installs this small tablet AI into a plush teddy bear, a feat made possible thanks to her robotics class at school.

In terms of personality and preferences, Beta is depicted as appreciating fights and is focused on protecting the future, showing a sense of duty. It also enjoys being tended to. On the flip side, Beta has aversions towards a character named Scott and entities known as Chaos Bots. Beta’s role is primarily as an assistant, aiding in various tasks and challenges. The setting for this character is in Oceanside, California, USA. Furthermore, Beta has a father named Alphred, indicating a familial structure among the AI characters in the series.

Beta (Hailey's on It!)

The Collection:

Here is the Internet’s largest collection of Beta related movies, TV shows, toys and other products. As always, new pieces are added to this
collection regularly.

Show Appearances

In the News

  • Special Holiday Episodes of “The Ghost and Molly McGee” and “Hailey’s On It!” To Air On Disney Channel, November 27, 2023
  • Special Holiday Episodes of “The Ghost and Molly McGee” and “Hailey’s On It!” To Air On Disney Channel,
  • Disney TV Animation Shares New Trailer For “Hailey’s On It!” Starring Auli’i Cravalho Coming Soon to Disney Channel and Disney+, April 29, 2023