The Star Wars universe is vast and ever-expanding. It is home to a vast array of characters, each with their own unique backstory and place in the galaxy. From the Jedi and the Sith to the smugglers of the Republic and the Rebellion, the characters of Star Wars have captured the hearts and imaginations of fans for decades. In this article, we present a comprehensive list of all the Star Wars characters, from the iconic to the obscure.
To keep things straight, we created this handy list of Star Was characters. Please click on a character to get a complete rundown including images, movies they appeared in and who portrayed of voiced them. This list is constantly being added to, so be sure to check back soon for updates.
Star Wars Characters List From A-Z
- 2-1B (Medical Droid)
- 4-LOM
- 8D8
- Admiral Ackbar
- Admiral Motti
- Admiral Piett
- Admiral Raddus
- Aftab Ackbar
- Agent Kallus
- Ahsoka Tano
- Allegiant General Pryde
- Amanaman
- Anakin Skywalker
- Armitage Hux
- Asajj Ventress
- AT-AT Pilot
- AT-ST Driver
- Babu Frik
- Bail Organa
- Barada
- Baze Malbus
- BB-8
- Beaumont Kin
- Beru Lars
- Bib Fortuna
- Biggs Darklighter
- Biker Scouts
- Bistan
- Bo-Katan Kryze
- Boba Fett
- Bodhi Rook
- BoShek
- Boss Rugor Nass
- Bossk
- Bren Derlin
- C-3PO
- Cad Bane
- Captain Phasma
- Captain Rex
- Cara Dune
- Cassian Andor
- Chewbacca
- Chief Chirpa
- Chirrut Imwe
- Chopper
- Cobb Vanth
- Commander Cody
- Commander Larma D'Arcy
- Corporal Tonc
- Count Dooku
- Dak Ralter
- Darth Maul
- Darth Sidious
- Darth Vader
- Death Trooper
- Dengar
- DJ
- Dr. Cornelius Evazan
- Dr. Pershing
- Droopy McCool
- Emperor Palpatine
- EV-9D9
- Ezra Bridger
- Fennec Shand
- Finn
- Frog Lady
- Galen Erso
- Gamorrean Guard
- Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios
- Garindan
- General Antoc Merrick
- General Carlist Rieekan
- General Crix Madine
- General Davits Draven
- General Grievous
- General Maximilian Veers
- Gonk droid
- Governor Arihnda Pryce
- Grand Admiral Thrawn
- Grand Inquisitor
- Grand Moff Tarkin
- Greedo
- Greef Karga
- Grogu (Baby Yoda)
- Han Solo
- Hera Syndulla
- Hondo Ohnaka
- IG-11
- IG-88
- Imperial Dignitary
- Imperial Gunner
- Imperial Royal Guards
- Indara (Star Wars: The Acolyte)
- Inquisitor:Eighth Brother
- Inquisitor:Fifth Brother
- Inquisitor:Seventh Sister
- Jabba the Hutt
- Jango Fett
- Jannah
- Jar Jar Binks
- Jawa
- Jecki Lon (Star Wars: The Acolyte)
- Jek Porkins
- Joh Yowza
- Jyn Erso
- K-2SO
- Kanan Jarus
- Kit Fisto
- Klaatu
- Klaud
- Knights of Ren
- Koska Reeves
- Kuiil
- Kylo Ren / Ben Solo
- Lando Calrissian
- Lobot
- Logray
- Lor San Tekka
- Lt Kaydel Ko Connix
- Luke Skywalker
- Lumat
- Lyn Me
- Lyra Erso
- Mace Windu
- Mae (Star Wars: The Acolyte)
- Malakii (Rancor Keeper)
- Max Rebo
- Maz Kanata
- Migs Mayfeld
- Moff Gideon
- Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead)
- Mon Mothma
- Moroff
- Mother Aniseya (Star Wars: The Acolyte)
- Muftak
- Nien Nunb
- Nik Sant
- Nute Gunray
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Oola
- Orson Krennic
- Owen Lars
- Padmé Amidala
- Paploo
- Peli Motto
- Poe Dameron
- Ponda Baba
- Princess Leia Organa
- Qimir (Star Wars: The Acolyte)
- Qui-Gon Jinn
- Quinlan Vos
- R2-D2
- R5-D4
- Ree-Yees
- Reva Sevander / Third Sister
- Rey
- Ric Olié
- Romba
- Rose Tico
- Sabé
- Sabine Wren
- Salacious B. Crumb
- Saw Gerrera
- Sebulba
- Shmi Skywalker
- Shore Troopers
- Snow Troopers
- Sol (Star Wars: The Acolyte)
- Stormtroopers
- Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum
- Supreme Leader Snoke
- Sy Snootles
- Teebo
- Teedo
- Temmin "Snap" Wexley
- Tessek (Squid Head)
- The Armorer
- The Client
- The Mandalorian (Character)
- Tie Fighter Pilot
- Tivik
- Tobias Beckett
- Tusken Raider
- Ugnaught
- Unkar Plutt
- Vernestra Rwoh (Star Wars: The Acolyte)
- Vice-Admiral Amilyn Holdo
- Warok
- Watto
- Wedge Antilles
- Weeteef Cyubee
- Wicket W. Warrick
- Wrobie Tyce
- Yak Face (Saelt-Marae)
- Yoda
- Yord Fandar (Star Wars: The Acolyte)
- Zam Wesell
- Zorii Bliss
- Zuckuss