Bib Fortuna

Last Updated on: June 23rd, 2024

Bib Fortuna star warsWho is Bib Fortuna?

Bib Fortuna is a fictional character from the Star Wars franchise. He is a Twi’lek male, a species known for the distinctive head-tails called Lekku, and first appeared in the 1983 film “Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi.” He is a confidant and majordomo of Jabba the Hutt, a powerful crime lord. He is known for his sly and cunning nature and his ability to manipulate those around him. He is also known for his loyalty to Jabba. He also appears in other Star Wars expanded universe media such as comics and novels. The character was voiced by Erik Bauersfeld.

The Collection:

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collection regularly.

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