Scroop (Treasure Planet)

Last Updated on: June 22nd, 2024

Scroop (Treasure Planet) disneyWho is Scroop?

Scroop is a character in the Disney animated film “Treasure Planet.” He is the film’s main antagonist, and is depicted as a greedy and ruthless space pirate who serves as the first mate of the pirate ship, the R.L.S. Legacy. Throughout the film, Scroop is shown to be plotting against the captain of the ship, Amelia, and is revealed to be working with the film’s secondary villain, Long John Silver, to steal the treasure of Treasure Planet. Despite his villainous ways, Scroop is depicted as a formidable and fearsome opponent, and proves to be a formidable obstacle for the film’s protagonist, Jim Hawkins. Nevertheless, his plans are ultimately foiled, and he is defeated by the end of the film.

The Collection:

Here is the Internet’s largest collection of Scroop related movies, TV shows, toys and other products. As always, new pieces are added to this collection regularly.

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