Turkey Lurkey (Chicken Little)

Last Updated on: January 20th, 2024

Turkey Lurkey chicken littleWho is Turkey Lurkey?

Turkey Lurkey is a character from Disney’s animated film “Chicken Little,” released in 2005. He is one of Chicken Little’s close friends and is known for his neurotic and fearful personality.

Turkey Lurkey is a small, anxious turkey who often becomes panicked and scared easily, contributing to the film’s humor. He, along with other friends such as Chicken Little and Abby Mallard, gets caught up in the chaos that ensues when Chicken Little mistakenly believes that the sky is falling. This leads to a series of comical and adventurous situations as they try to save their town.

The Collection:

Here is the Internet’s largest collection of Turkey Lurkey related movies, TV shows, toys and other products. As always, new pieces are added to this collection regularly.

Movie Appearances