Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory

Last Updated on: June 14th, 2024


“Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory” is a rhythm-action game developed and published by Square Enix. It is a spin-off title from the popular “Kingdom Hearts” series, which combines characters and settings from Disney and Square Enix franchises. The game was released on November 11, 2020, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory player count Stats and Facts

In “Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory,” players embark on a musical journey through the various worlds of the “Kingdom Hearts” universe. The game features a collection of iconic songs from the series, along with new arrangements, spanning multiple games in the franchise.

Players control characters from the “Kingdom Hearts” series as they traverse a musical highway, hitting notes in time with the music. The gameplay is akin to rhythm-based games, where players must press buttons or swipe on the screen in response to on-screen prompts, creating a synchronized experience between the gameplay and the music.

The game features multiple modes, including “World Tour,” where players progress through the storyline, visiting various worlds and reliving memorable moments from the series. There’s also a “Memory Dive” mode that allows players to experience key events from the series with interactive rhythm gameplay.

In addition to the single-player campaign, “Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory” includes a cooperative local multiplayer mode, where players can team up to complete songs together.

The visuals in the game maintain the distinct art style of the “Kingdom Hearts” series, with colorful and detailed environments and character designs. The game also includes cinematics from previous games to complement the narrative elements.

The soundtrack is a major highlight, featuring beloved tracks from the “Kingdom Hearts” series, as well as remixes and new arrangements. The music plays a significant role in creating an emotional and nostalgic experience for fans of the franchise.

“Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory” has been praised for its music selection, nostalgic appeal, and the way it allows players to relive key moments from the series through rhythm-based gameplay. It offers a unique and enjoyable spin on the “Kingdom Hearts” universe, appealing to both fans of the franchise and rhythm game enthusiasts alike.

Player Count

Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory player count:

40,933 games sold

Last updated 11/19/20


At a Glance

  • Developer: Square Enix
  • Publisher: Square Enix
  • Year Released: 2020
  • Number of Players: Single Player
  • Available On: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
  • App or Game Type: Rhythm
  • Website
  • Twitch Link


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About the Author

Craig Smith
I am founder and editor of My passion for all things Disney goes pretty far back to my first trip to Walt Disney World in the mid-80's. I have since returned to the magical place more than 20 times. I started this site when I came to the realization that I spent a significant portion of my day reading articles about Disney and watching Disney content with my 8-year old, so it made sense that I would start sharing some of what I read and see and building a little community around it. Other interests include 80's nostalgia, vintage toys, video games, LEGO, Star Wars and tech gadgets. Other sites include DMR and