“Spider-Man: Friend or Foe” is an action-adventure video game developed by Next Level Games and published by Activision. The game features Spider-Man and various other Marvel superheroes teaming up to battle villains from the Spider-Man comics.
The game includes various levels set in different locations around the world, each with different enemies and challenges to overcome. Players can switch between Spider-Man and other characters during gameplay and customize their abilities.
“Spider-Man: Friend or Foe” was released for various platforms, including PlayStation 2, Wii, Xbox 360, and Nintendo DS, and received mixed reviews for its repetitive gameplay and graphics.
At a Glance
- Developer: Artificial Mind and Movement, Beenox, Next Level Games
- Publisher: Activision Blizzard
- Year Released: 2007
- Number of Players: Multiplayer
- Available On: Nintendo DS, PC, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable (PSP), Wii, Xbox 360