“A Spark Story” is a Disney+ original documentary film released in 2021 as part of the “Launchpad” series. The “Launchpad” series is a collection of short films that aim to amplify underrepresented voices and perspectives in filmmaking.
“A Spark Story” follows the journey of Edwin Chang, an aspiring young filmmaker who is passionate about telling stories through animation. Edwin is one of the selected filmmakers to participate in the prestigious Disney Launchpad Shorts Incubator program. The film documents his experiences, challenges, and creative process as he works with Disney mentors and industry professionals to bring his animated short film to life.
Throughout the documentary, viewers get an inside look at the creative process behind animation, the dedication and hard work required to make a film, and the impact of representation and diversity in storytelling. It highlights the importance of giving diverse voices a platform in the entertainment industry and the power of storytelling to inspire and connect with audiences from all walks of life.
“A Spark Story” is a heartwarming and inspiring film that showcases the potential of young talents and their dreams of making a difference in the world through their art. It serves as a celebration of creativity, passion, and the belief that storytelling can be a powerful tool to change perceptions, challenge stereotypes, and foster empathy and understanding.
As part of the “Launchpad” series, “A Spark Story” is part of Disney’s commitment to promoting inclusivity and offering diverse filmmakers the opportunity to share their unique perspectives and stories with a global audience. It underscores Disney’s effort to support emerging talent and create a more inclusive entertainment landscape.
Additional Details
- Movie Studio: Pixar
- Official Page
- Year Released: 2021
- Type of Movie: Documentary
- Movie Platform: Disney+
- Aphton Corbin: herself
- Louis Gonzales: himself
- Pete Docter: himself
- Directors: Jason Sterman and Leanne Dare
- Producers: Brian McGinn, Jason Sterman and David Gelb
- Music: Jeremy Turner
Movie Trailer:
Related News:
- New Documentary “A Spark Story” Set To Debut on Disney+ September 24th, September 22, 2021