“Disneynature Monkey Kingdom” is a nature documentary film released in 2015, produced by Disneynature, a division of The Walt Disney Studios focused on creating wildlife-themed films. The film follows the journey of a family of toque macaques, a type of monkey native to Sri Lanka.
The story is centered around Maya, a female toque macaque, and her newborn son, Kip. The film portrays their adventures and struggles as they navigate through the ancient ruins of a Sri Lankan jungle. “Disneynature Monkey Kingdom” offers a unique perspective into the lives of these intelligent and social animals, showcasing their complex social structures, playful behaviors, and various survival tactics.
Narrated by Tina Fey, the documentary not only entertains with its captivating footage but also educates audiences about the importance of conservation and the delicate balance of nature. The film sheds light on the challenges faced by these monkeys due to habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict, highlighting the need for conservation efforts to protect these endangered creatures and their ecosystems.
As with other Disneynature films, “Disneynature Monkey Kingdom” was released in celebration of Earth Day, further emphasizing the company’s commitment to environmental awareness and conservation. A portion of the proceeds from the film’s box office earnings was donated to various conservation organizations working to protect wildlife and their habitats.
Additional Details
- Narrator: Tina Fey