“Fiddling Around” is a Walt Disney animated short film released in 1948. It is part of the Donald Duck series of cartoons, featuring the popular Disney character Donald Duck in various comedic and misadventure-filled situations.
In “Fiddling Around,” the cartoon follows Donald Duck as he tries to practice playing the violin in his backyard. However, his attempts are constantly interrupted by a mischievous and persistent chipmunk, who disrupts his practice session.
The film showcases Donald’s frustration and comedic reactions as he tries to outsmart the chipmunk and continue playing his violin. It features physical comedy, visual gags, and the expressive movements of the characters to entertain viewers.
“Fiddling Around” was directed by Jack Hannah and features the iconic voice work of Clarence Nash as Donald Duck. It was well-received upon its release and has become a beloved entry in the Donald Duck series.
The short film is remembered for its humor, lively animation, and the amusing interactions between Donald Duck and the persistent chipmunk. It exemplifies Donald Duck’s comedic talents and showcases his enduring popularity as one of Disney’s beloved characters.
Note: This short is also known as Just Mickey.