“First Kid” is a 1996 family comedy film produced by Walt Disney Pictures. The movie is directed by David M. Evans and stars Sinbad, who plays Secret Service agent Sam Simms, and Brock Pierce, who plays Luke Davenport, the President of the United States’ son.
The story revolves around Luke Davenport, a young teenager who happens to be the First Son of the United States. Despite living in the White House and having all the privileges that come with being the President’s son, Luke is lonely and struggling to fit in. He is constantly accompanied by his overprotective Secret Service agent, Sam Simms, who is assigned to keep him safe from any potential threats.
Frustrated with the constant surveillance and lack of freedom, Luke decides to escape the watchful eye of the Secret Service and live a normal teenage life for a day. During his brief escapade, he befriends a girl named Katie (played by Erin Williby) and experiences life as an average teenager.
As Luke navigates the challenges of teenage life and tries to balance his responsibilities as the President’s son with his desire for independence, Sam Simms finds himself in a difficult position. He must keep Luke safe while also understanding the importance of letting him experience some normalcy in his life.
Throughout the film, “First Kid” delivers a mix of humor, adventure, and heartwarming moments as Luke and Sam develop a unique and genuine friendship. The movie explores themes of friendship, trust, and the pressures of living in the public eye.
While “First Kid” received mixed reviews from critics, it was generally well-received by audiences, especially young viewers and families. Sinbad’s comedic performance and the chemistry between him and Brock Pierce contributed to the film’s charm and appeal.
“First Kid” remains a nostalgic and enjoyable family film, reminding audiences of the complexities of growing up in unique circumstances and the importance of understanding and supporting each other. It is a lighthearted addition to Disney’s collection of family-friendly movies.
Additional Details
- Sinbad: Sam Simms
- Brock Pierce: Luke Davenport
- James Naughton: President Paul Davenport
- Timothy Busfield: Agent Woods
- Art LaFleur: Morton
- Robert Guillaume: Wilkes
- Lisa Eichhorn: Linda Davenport
- Blake Boyd: Dash
- Erin Williby: Katie Warren
- Zachery Ty Bryan: Rob MacArthur
- Bill Cobbs: Speet
- Tomas Arana: Harold
- Sonny Bono in a cameo appearance: himself.
- Bill Clinton in a cameo appearance: himself.
- Director: David Mickey Evans
- Producer: Roger Birnbaum
- Music: Richard Gibbs