In Ice Age 6, our beloved prehistoric crew is back for a frosty adventure that pushes their bonds and bravery to new heights. Manny, Sid, Diego, and friends stumble upon a hidden icy realm filled with ancient secrets, strange creatures, and mysterious forces threatening their world. When a sudden glacial shift triggers chaotic weather, the gang must unite to uncover the secrets of a legendary ice fortress. With thrilling chases, unexpected allies, and laugh-out-loud moments, Ice Age 6 promises an epic journey that will warm hearts and keep fans of all ages on the edge of their seats.
Additional Details
- Movie Studio: 20th Century Studios, Disney
- Year Released: 2026
- Type of Movie: Animated
- Ray Romano: Manny
- John Leguizamo: Sid
- Queen Latifah: Ellie
- Denis Leary: Diego
- Simon Pegg: Buck
Movie Trailer:
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- Disney Bumps 2026 ‘Star Wars’ Film for ‘Ice Age 6’ in Major Schedule Shift”, November 16, 2024
- Ice Age 6 is reportedly in the works at Disney, September 12, 2024
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