“Ice Age: Adventures of Buck Wild” is an animated adventure comedy film that continues the popular “Ice Age” franchise. Released on Disney+, the movie focuses on the hilarious and daring weasel, Buck Wild, who first appeared in “Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.”
The story follows Buck Wild, along with the possum brothers Crash and Eddie, as they embark on a thrilling journey to the Lost World, a hidden underground realm filled with dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. The trio sets out to save the Lost World from being overtaken by a dangerous and overzealous dinosaur named Orson. Along the way, they encounter new friends and face various challenges that test their courage and wit.
“The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild” is packed with humor, action, and heartwarming moments, making it a fun-filled adventure for fans of all ages. The film celebrates themes of friendship, bravery, and the importance of family, while delivering the signature comedic style and excitement that the “Ice Age” series is known for.
Additional Details
- Movie Studio: Disney
- Official Page
- Year Released: 2022
- Type of Movie: Animated
- Movie Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link
- Buck: Simon Pegg
- Producer: Denise Rottina
- Creators: Ray DeLaurentis and William Schifrin
- Directors: John Donkin and Marshall Fels Elliott
Movie Trailer:
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