“Mickey’s Kangaroo” is a Walt Disney animated short film released in 1935. It is part of the Mickey Mouse cartoon series, which features the iconic Disney character Mickey Mouse in various comedic and adventurous situations.
In “Mickey’s Kangaroo,” Mickey Mouse and his pal, Donald Duck, find themselves in possession of a pet kangaroo named Hoppy. The cartoon follows their attempts to take care of the kangaroo and the humorous situations that arise as they try to manage their new exotic pet.
As Mickey and Donald try to handle Hoppy, the kangaroo’s mischievous and unpredictable behavior leads to comical moments and comedic chaos. The film showcases the playful and imaginative storytelling style associated with the Mickey Mouse series.
“Mickey’s Kangaroo” was directed by David Hand and features the iconic voice work of Walt Disney as Mickey Mouse and Clarence Nash as Donald Duck. It was well-received upon its release and has become a beloved entry in the Mickey Mouse series.
The short film is remembered for its humor, lively animation, and the amusing interactions between Mickey, Donald, and the mischievous kangaroo. It exemplifies the adventurous spirit of early Disney animation and showcases the enduring popularity of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck as beloved characters.
Additional Details
- Mickey Mouse: Walt Disney
- Pluto: Lee Millar Sr and Don Brodie
- Director: Dave Hand
- Producer: Walt Disney
- Music: Bert Lewis