“More Than Robots” is a Disney+ documentary that premiered in 2022. Directed by Gillian Jacobs, the film follows four teams of high school students from around the world as they prepare for the 2020 FIRST Robotics Competition. This competition challenges students to design, build, and compete with robots, aiming to inspire innovation and foster STEM skills.
The documentary highlights teams from Los Angeles, Mexico City, Chiba in Japan, and an Indigenous community from South Dakota. Despite the global COVID-19 pandemic disrupting their plans and the competition itself, the film captures how these students continue to work on their projects, adapting to unprecedented circumstances.
“More Than Robots” showcases not only the technical challenges and achievements of these young inventors but also their growth, resilience, and the strong community bonds formed through the competition. The title reflects the idea that the competition and robotics are about more than just machines—it’s about the human stories, teamwork, and personal development that occur along the way.
Additional Details
- Movie Studio: Disney
- Official Page
- Year Released: 2022
- Type of Movie: Documenatry
- Movie Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link