“New Port South” is a drama film released in 2001, directed by Kyle Cooper and written by James Hughes. The film follows a group of high school students who rebel against the authoritarian system at their school and create chaos as they try to bring about change.
The story is set in a suburban town called New Port, where conformity and strict rules govern the lives of the students at the local high school. Dave, a rebellious and intelligent student, becomes disillusioned with the rigid structure of the school and decides to challenge the status quo. He starts a secret movement with a group of like-minded friends to question authority and disrupt the daily routines of the school.
As the students engage in acts of rebellion, they catch the attention of the school’s principal and the authorities, leading to a tense and dramatic showdown between the students and the adults. The film explores themes of teenage rebellion, the desire for freedom and individuality, and the consequences of challenging authority.
The performances of the young cast, led by Will Estes as Dave, are notable and add authenticity to the film’s portrayal of teenage angst and rebellion. The film’s visual style and editing techniques contribute to its edgy and rebellious tone.
“New Port South” delves into the complexities of teenage life, exploring the struggles and frustrations of young people trying to find their identity and make a difference in a world that seems determined to suppress their individuality. It presents a thought-provoking and emotional narrative that resonates with both teenagers and adults.
While “New Port South” may not have received widespread commercial success, it has gained a cult following for its honest portrayal of the challenges faced by young people and the importance of standing up for one’s beliefs. The film remains a relevant and compelling coming-of-age drama that reflects the universal desire for freedom and self-expression.
Additional Details
- Movie Studio: Touchstone Pictures
- Year Released: 2001
- Type of Movie: Live Action
- Box Office: na
- IMDB Link
- Todd Field: Mr. Walsh
- Will Estes: Chris
- Blake Shields: Will Maddox
- Kevin Christy: Clip
- Melissa George: Amanda
- Raymond J. Barry: Edwards
- Gabriel Mann: Michael “Mike” Wilson
- Brad Eric Johnson: Knox
- Lamar Benson: Football Player
- Nick Sandow: Armstrong
- Michael Shannon: John Stanton
- Director: Kyle Cooper
- Producer: John Hughes
- Writer: James Hughes