The Naughty Nine is a holiday heist comedy that brings a fresh twist to the magic of Christmas, streaming exclusively on Disney+. The film follows mischievous and lovable fifth-grader Andy, who is crushed to discover he’s landed on Santa’s naughty list for a minor infraction. Refusing to accept a coal-filled stocking, Andy rallies a team of equally misunderstood “naughty list” kids to stage the ultimate caper at the North Pole. Their goal? Break into Santa’s workshop and claim the presents they feel they deserve.
As the crew navigates Santa’s enchanted workshop, hilarious chaos ensues, including run-ins with toy-making elves, sentient gadgets, and a sleighful of surprises. But their misadventures soon uncover a heartwarming truth about the holiday spirit, teamwork, and personal redemption.
Featuring a vibrant cast of young talent and brimming with clever humor, festive music, and dazzling special effects, The Naughty Nine strikes a balance between laugh-out-loud antics and touching moments. It’s a holiday movie for all ages that celebrates friendship, self-reflection, and the magic of second chances. Perfect for family movie night, this film is a spirited reminder that even on the naughty list, anyone can find their way back to the nice side.
Additional Details
- Winslow Fegley: Andy
- Camila Rodriguez: Dulce
- Anthony Joo: Lewis
- Imogen Cohen: Ha-Yoon
- Clara Stack: Rose
- Deric McCabe: Jon Anthony
- Ayden Elijah: Albert
- Madilyn Kellam: Laurel
- Derek Theler: Bruno
- Danny Glover: Santa Claus
- Director: Alberto Belli
- Executive Producers: Suzanne Todd, Jed Elinoff and Scott Thomas
Movie Trailer:
Related News:
- Danny Glover to Appear as Santa Claus in “The Naughty Nine”, September 30, 2023