“Turning Red” is a delightful animated feature released on March 11, 2022, produced by both Disney and Pixar, and directed by Domee Shi. This animated film, rated PG, has a runtime of 1 hour and 40 minutes and falls under the genres of Animation, Kids, and Family. The story is woven around a 13-year-old girl named Mei Lee, voiced by young actress Rosalie Chiang. Mei is a confident yet quirky teenager who finds herself juggling the expectations of her mother, the adventures of adolescence, and an extraordinary ability—she transforms into a giant red panda whenever she gets overly excited.
The narrative dives into the emotional turmoil and comedic escapades that ensue from Mei’s unique condition, reflecting the broader theme of navigating the challenging yet exhilarating path of growing up. The story is further enriched by the cultural backdrop, as it delves into a Chinese-Canadian teenager’s life, with the character of Mei Lee being somewhat based on the childhood experiences of director Domee Shi.
The creative team behind “Turning Red” is notable as it was led by a female director, Domee Shi, and producer Lindsey Collins, marking a significant stride for Pixar with a female-led production team. The film is enriched with a captivating storyline and a screenplay penned by Domee Shi, Julia Cho, and Sarah Streicher, bringing to life a relatable and heartwarming tale that resonates with audiences of all ages, especially those navigating the maze of adolescence.
Additional Details
- Movie Studio: Disney, Pixar
- Official Page
- Year Released: 2022
- Type of Movie: Animated
- Movie Platform: Disney+
- Box Office: $20.1 million
- Awards: Nominated for an Academy Award
- IMDB Link
- Rotten Tomatoes Link
- Rosalie Chiang: Meilin “Mei” Lee
- Sandra Oh: Ming Lee
- Ava Morse: Miriam Mendelsohn
- Maitreyi Ramakrishnan: Priya Mangal
- Hyein Park: Abby Park
- Orion Lee: Jin Lee
- Wai Ching Ho: Wu
- Tristan Allerick Chen: Tyler Nguyen-Baker
- James Hong: Mr. Gao
- Addie Chandler: Devon
- Sasha Roiz: Mr. Kieslowski
- Lily Sanfelippo: Stacy Frick
- Director: Domee Shi
- Writer: Domee Shi
- Producer: Lindsey Collins
Movie Trailer:
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- Manga Companion to Pixar Film ‘Turning Red’ to Launch in 2023, June 18, 2022
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