“Upside-Down Magic” is a 2020 Disney Channel Original Movie based on the book of the same name by Sarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle, and Emily Jenkins. The film follows the story of Nory Boxwood Horace (played by Izabela Rose), a young girl who enrolls in the Sage Academy for Magical Studies. However, Nory is placed in the school’s Upside-Down Magic class, where students with unusual and unpredictable magical abilities are taught.
In the Upside-Down Magic class, Nory and her fellow misfit classmates must learn to embrace and control their unique powers. Nory’s magic allows her to turn into different animals, but she struggles to find her place among her peers. With the help of her friends, she discovers that her abilities might be the key to saving the school when a magical threat arises.
The film delivers a heartwarming message about embracing one’s individuality and the value of diversity. It explores themes of self-acceptance, friendship, and the power of believing in oneself. The cast includes Siena Agudong as Reina Carvajal, Vicki Lewis as Headmaster Knightslinger, and Kyle Howard as Budd Skriff.
“Upside-Down Magic” received positive reviews from its target audience of young viewers and families. It showcases Disney’s commitment to creating content that promotes positive values and inclusivity while entertaining and engaging its audience.
Additional Details
- Movie Studio: Disney
- Official Page
- Year Released: 2020
- Type of Movie: Live-Action
- Movie Platform: Disney Channel Original Movie
- IMDB Link
- Rotten Tomatoes Link
- Izabela Rose: Nory Boxwood Horace
- Siena Agudong: Reina Carvajal
- Vicki Lewis: Headmaster Knightslinger
- Executive Producers: Suzanne Farwell and Susan Cartsonis
- Director: Joe Nussbaum
Movie Trailer:
Related News:
- Disney Channel conjures up family fun in new original movie ‘Upside Down Magic’, August 1, 2020
- Newcomer Izabela Rose Leads Ensemble Cast for New Disney Channel Original Movie ‘Upside-Down Magic’, August 20, 2019
- Disney Channel Options Scholastic’s Newest Tween Tale, “Upside-Down Magic”, September 23, 2015