“Victory Through Air Power” is a 1943 animated documentary film produced by Walt Disney Productions during World War II. The film was based on the book of the same name by Alexander P. de Seversky, a Russian-American aviation pioneer and advocate of long-range strategic bombing.
The purpose of “Victory Through Air Power” was to promote the idea of strategic bombing as an effective military strategy to win the war. It presented de Seversky’s arguments in favor of the United States’ use of long-range bombers and highlighted the potential of air power to defeat the enemy.
The film used a combination of animated sequences and live-action footage to illustrate the principles of air warfare. It featured various scenes demonstrating the capabilities of long-range bombers, the importance of air superiority, and the potential impact of strategic bombing on enemy targets.
“Victory Through Air Power” was groundbreaking for its time, as it combined entertainment with educational content to influence public opinion and government policies regarding military strategies. The film was intended to boost morale, rally support for the war effort, and inspire American citizens to contribute to victory.
Upon its release, “Victory Through Air Power” received critical acclaim and was well-received by audiences. It became an essential part of the war propaganda effort and was used as a tool to educate the American public about the significance of air power in achieving victory.
Though considered a product of its time, “Victory Through Air Power” remains a historically significant film as it reflects the role of animation and media in shaping public opinion and contributing to the war effort during World War II. It stands as a testament to the ingenuity and adaptability of Disney’s animation studio during challenging times in American history.
Additional Details
- Movie Studio: Disney
- Year Released: 1943
- Type of Movie: Documentary
- Box Office: $799,000
- IMDB Link
- Rotten Tomatoes Link
- Narrator: Art Baker
- Directors: James Algar, Clyde Geronimi, Jack Kinney and H.C. Potter
- Music: Edward H. Plumb, Paul J. Smith and Oliver Wallace
- Producer: Walt Disney
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- The Propoganda Films that Save Walt Disney’s Cartoon empire, July 26, 2018