Disney/ABC Recognized for Outstanding Creativity and Storytelling

Published on 6/23/17 by Craig Smith

Disney ABC Television Group banff award

Logo courtesy Disney/ABC Television Group

It was announced recently that the Disney/ABC Television Group was named “Company of Distinction” for 2017 at the Banff World Media Festival. The award was giving to the brand in recognition of their “outstanding creativity and storytelling.”

In addition to the overall brand award, Disney/ABC also won a couple of individual 2017 Banff Rockie Awards, which celebrate “excellence in television and digital content from around the world.” Disney/ABC’s Banff Rockie award winners include American Crime (best drama series) and Grey’s Anatomy (best melodrama).

The Banff awards were given out at the 38th Banff Word Media Festival that took place in Banff, Alberta Canada. More information about the awards, and the festival, can be found here.

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