Series Description:
“Chip ‘n’ Dale: Park Life” is a French-American animated series that premiered on Disney+ on July 28, 2021. Co-produced by The Walt Disney Company France and Xilam Animation, the show offers a fresh take on the classic chipmunk duo, Chip and Dale. The series is notable for its non-verbal storytelling, relying on expressive animation and slapstick comedy to convey its narratives.
Set in a bustling city park, the show follows the misadventures of the two chipmunks as they navigate daily life, often encountering other iconic Disney characters like Pluto and Donald Duck. Each episode comprises three seven-minute segments, blending classic cartoon humor with contemporary storytelling. The dynamic between the characters is central to the series, with Chip portrayed as the nervous worrier and Dale as the laid-back dreamer, creating a comedic “odd couple” relationship.
The first season consists of 12 episodes, totaling 36 segments. A second season was released on May 24, 2023, continuing the duo’s adventures. The series has been praised for its charming animation style and the ability to entertain audiences without dialogue, appealing to both nostalgic fans and new viewers.
Additional Details:
- Matthew Géczy as Chip
- Kaycie Chase as Dale
- Cindy Lee Delong as Clarice and Fifi
- Bill Farmer as Pluto
- Sylvain Caruso as Donald Duck
- David Gasman as Beagle Boys and Butch
- Sybille Tureau as Daisy Duck
- Directors: Jean Cayrol, Frédéric Martin, Khalil Ben Namaane
Show Trailer:
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