Series Description:
“Disney Insider” is a documentary-style web series that premiered on Disney+ on March 20, 2020. The show is part of Disney’s original content lineup on the streaming service and offers behind-the-scenes glimpses into various aspects of the Walt Disney Company.
Each episode of “Disney Insider” delves into different projects, events, and aspects of Disney’s vast entertainment empire. The show features interviews with key individuals, creatives, and executives, providing an insider’s perspective on the making of Disney content, theme park attractions, and other notable endeavors.
“Disney Insider” covers a wide range of topics, including the development of Disney movies and TV shows, the creation of theme park attractions, the making of animated films, and the stories behind some of Disney’s most beloved characters.
The series offers a unique opportunity for Disney fans to gain insight into the magic and innovation that goes into creating the world of Disney. It showcases the passion and dedication of the people who bring Disney’s stories and experiences to life.
“Disney Insider” has been well-received by Disney+ subscribers, particularly by those who have a keen interest in the behind-the-scenes workings of Disney and want to learn more about the company’s creative process and history.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2020
- Type of Series: Documentary
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link