Series Description:
“Flex X Cop” is a South Korean television series that premiered on January 26, 2024.
The show follows Jin Yi-soo, portrayed by Ahn Bo-hyun, an immature third-generation chaebol heir who becomes entangled in a case that leads him to join the violent crime investigation team at Kangha Police Station.
Utilizing his immense wealth and personal connections, Yi-soo aids in apprehending criminals beyond the reach of conventional law enforcement.
Park Ji-hyun co-stars as Lee Kang-hyun, a dedicated and diligent detective who becomes Yi-soo’s partner, guiding him through the complexities of police work.
The series blends action, comedy, crime, and romance, offering a fresh take on the crime drama genre.
“Flex X Cop” is available for streaming on Disney+ in selected regions.
Additional Details:
- Ahn Bo-hyun: Jin Yi-soo
- Park Ji-hyun: Lee Kang-hyun
- Developed by: Lee Ok-gyu
- Written by: Kim Ba-da
- Director: Kim Jae-hong