Series Description:
“L-Pop” is a Latin American original series that premiered on Disney+ on September 27, 2023.
The show centers on Andrea, portrayed by Andrea de Alba, a fervent K-pop enthusiast juggling her dental studies and a job at a coffee shop in Mexico City’s Koreatown. Her passion for K-pop leads her to form a cover dance group with the goal of winning a contest whose grand prize is a trip to Seoul, South Korea—the heartland of her musical idols. Andrea’s journey is marked by the challenges of balancing her academic responsibilities, familial expectations, and her unwavering dream of becoming a K-pop star.
The series delves into themes of cultural fusion, friendship, and the pursuit of one’s passions against societal norms. “L-Pop” showcases vibrant choreography inspired by the K-pop genre, crafted by renowned Mexican choreographer Guille Gómez and her agency Danza 3. The production also emphasizes authenticity by incorporating Korean consultants and constructing a Koreatown set that reflects the blend of Korean and Mexican cultures.
Through its narrative, “L-Pop” offers viewers an engaging exploration of the global phenomenon of K-pop, highlighting its influence beyond borders and the universal language of music and dance.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2023
- Type of Series: Live-Action
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link
- Andrea: Andrea de Alba
- Director: Andres Lizarazo
- Executive Producers: Leonardo Aranguibel, Cecilia Mendonça and Fernando Barbosa