Series Description:
Magicampers is an upcoming animated series set to premiere on Disney Junior and Disney+ in 2025. It follows the adventures of best friends Darly and Loomis at a day camp for magical creatures on a fantastical island. Darly is half-pig and half-Pegasus, Loomis is half-donkey and half-unicorn, and their young friends are also mythical mashups of all stripes. Every day they go on incredible journeys of discovery and dream of becoming legendary, having their stories told and retold for all time.
At the heart of the series, Darly and Loomis will learn that becoming a legend isn’t about mastering magic powers or winning the biggest prize — it’s about understanding and accepting yourself and others and working together with all kinds of friends.
Additional Details:
- Year of Debut: 2025
- Type of Series: Animated
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney Junior
- Creator: Obie Scott Wade
No trailer available at this time.