Series Description:
“Mickey’s Christmas Tales” is a delightful stop-motion animated mini-series that premiered on Disney Junior from November 27 to December 1, 2023. Serving as a sequel to the 2022 special “Mickey Saves Christmas,” this series comprises five short episodes, each approximately three minutes long, featuring beloved characters like Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and Pluto.
Each episode presents a heartwarming holiday adventure:
- In “Starstruck,” Goofy and friends strive to place a star atop the town square tree.
- “How to Build a Snowman” showcases Goofy’s comedic attempts to construct a snowman.
- “Holiday Hideaway” follows Minnie as she hides holiday cookies from Donald’s eager appetite.
- In “Slip n’ Sleigh,” the gang embarks on a slippery sleigh ride adventure.
- “Up All Eve” depicts Mickey and friends’ efforts to stay awake to surprise Santa.
The series is available for streaming on Disney+, allowing families to enjoy these festive tales at their convenience.
“Mickey’s Christmas Tales” continues Disney’s tradition of holiday-themed storytelling, offering charming narratives that capture the spirit of the season. The stop-motion animation adds a nostalgic touch, making it a perfect addition to holiday viewing for audiences of all ages.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2023
- Type of Series: Animated
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney Junior
- IMDB Link
- Goofy: Bill Farmer
- Daisy Duck: Debra Wilson
- Donald Duck: Tony Anselmo
- Minnie Mouse: Kaitlyn Robrock
- Mickey Mouse: Bret Iwan
- Santa Claus: Brock Powell
- Mrs. Claus: Camryn Grimes
- Director: John Harvatine IV