Series Description:
“Pick of the Litter” is a documentary series that originally premiered as a film at the 2018 Slamdance Film Festival. It was later adapted into a docuseries for the streaming platform Disney+. The show follows a heartwarming and inspiring journey of a group of puppies as they undergo training to become guide dogs for the blind.
The series takes viewers behind the scenes of Guide Dogs for the Blind, a nonprofit organization that raises and trains service dogs for individuals with visual impairments. The story centers around a litter of puppies born into the program, and each episode follows their development from birth to the moment they are matched with a visually impaired person.
Throughout the series, viewers get to know the puppies individually, each with their unique personalities and strengths. They witness the challenges the dogs face during training and the incredible dedication and hard work put in by the trainers and staff at Guide Dogs for the Blind.
The show highlights the emotional bond that forms between the dogs and their trainers, as well as the anticipation and excitement as the puppies progress through the training program. Ultimately, only a few dogs are selected as guide dogs, making it a suspenseful and heartwarming journey as the best-suited pups are chosen for their life-changing role as service dogs.
“Pick of the Litter” is celebrated for its touching portrayal of the service dog training process and the impact these remarkable animals have on the lives of their future owners. It sheds light on the importance of service dogs and the dedication of the individuals who work tirelessly to train and prepare them for their crucial roles in assisting those with visual impairments.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2019
- Type of Series: Documentary
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link