Series Description:
“Pretty Freekin Scary” is a Disney Channel comedy series that aired from June 15 to August 18, 2023.
The show follows 14-year-old Frankie Ripp, portrayed by Eliana Su’a, who leads a seemingly perfect life until a sudden accident leads her to the Underworld. After negotiating with the Grim Reaper, Frankie returns to the living world, accompanied by two Underworld guardians: the cheerful Pretty (Kyan Samuels) and the moody Scary (Leah Mei Gold). Together, they navigate the challenges of middle school and Frankie’s new “once-dead” status. The series blends humor with supernatural elements, offering a unique take on teenage life and the afterlife. Despite its intriguing premise, “Pretty Freekin Scary” was canceled after one season on June 30, 2024.
Additional Details:
- Eliana Su’a: Frankie Ripp
- Kyan Samuels: Pretty
- Leah Mei Gold: Scary
- Yonas Kilbreab: Remy
- Emma Shannon: Nyx
- Shawn Carter Peterson: Mr Ripp
- Yuvi Hecht: Erlic
- Directors: Wendy Faraone and Jody Margolin Hahn
Show Trailer:
Related News:
- Disney Orders Series Based on “Pretty Freekin Scary” Books, October 14, 2022