Series Description:
“Say Nothing” is a compelling nine-episode limited series that delves into the turbulent period of the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Premiering on November 14, 2024, on FX and streaming on Hulu, the series is an adaptation of Patrick Radden Keefe’s acclaimed 2018 nonfiction book, “Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland.”
The narrative centers on the lives of sisters Dolours and Marian Price, portrayed by Lola Petticrew and Hazel Doupe, respectively. Raised in a fervently republican family, the Price sisters become deeply involved with the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA), participating in significant operations that underscore the era’s moral complexities and personal sacrifices. Their journey reflects the broader societal struggles and the personal costs of political activism during this tumultuous time.
A pivotal storyline in the series is the 1972 abduction and murder of Jean McConville, a widowed mother of ten, suspected by the IRA of being an informant—a claim her family vehemently denies. This event serves as a lens through which the series examines themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the human toll of political conflict.
“Say Nothing” has been lauded for its authentic portrayal of historical events, complex character development, and its unflinching exploration of the personal and political ramifications of the Troubles. The series offers a nuanced perspective on a deeply divided society, making it a significant addition to contemporary historical dramas.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2024
- Type of Series: Live-Action
- TV Channel/Platform: Hulu/Disney+/FX
- IMDB Link
- Lola Petticrew: Dolours Price
- Maxine Peake: older Dolours Price
- Hazel Doupe: Marian Price
- Anthony Boyle: Brendan Hughes
- Josh Finan: Gerry Adams
- Producers: Nina Jacobson and Brad Simpson
- Director: Michael Lennox
- Creator: Josh Zeturner
No trailer available at this time.