Series Description:
“The Doomies” is an upcoming animated series premiering on Disney+ on December 31, 2024.
Co-created by director Andrés Fernandez, head writer Henry Gifford, and art director Rémi Zaarour (also known as Pozla), the show is produced by Xilam Animation for Disney EMEA.
The series follows best friends Bobby and Romy, who inadvertently open a portal to the underworld, transforming their tranquil coastal town of Ouimper into a hotspot for supernatural creatures.
As they confront various monsters, they are joined by Kim, a stoic monster fighter born of a sorcerer’s spell, and Doug, a knowledgeable yet lazy lighthouse keeper.
The voice cast includes Max Mittelman as Bobby, Madison Calderon as Romy, Noel Gibson as Kim, Jon Bailey as Doug, and Zehra Fazal as Jenny.
Set in a quirky French town in Brittany, the series combines thrills, chills, and character-driven comedy, aiming to captivate audiences aged 9 to 11, with content suitable for viewers as young as 6.
“The Doomies” promises a blend of supernatural adventure and humor, exploring themes of friendship and self-discovery as the protagonists navigate extraordinary circumstances.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2024
- Type of Series: Animated
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney Channel
- IMDB Link
- Max Mittelman: Bobby
- Madison Calderon: Romy
- Noel Gibson: Kim
- Jon Bailey: Doug
- Zehra Fazal: Jenny
- Producer: Marc du Pontavice
- Director & Co-Creator: Andrès Fernandez
- Co-Creator: Pozla (aka Rémi Zaarour)
- Head Writer: Henry Gifford
No trailer available at this time.