Series Description:
“The Three Detectives” is a German teen crime drama series that premiered on Disney+ in November 2023.
The show centers on three teenage friends—Kim, Marie, and Franzi—who form their own detective club to solve intriguing mysteries in their everyday lives. Each episode presents a new case, ranging from fraud and theft to cyberbullying and social justice issues, challenging the trio’s investigative skills and strengthening their bond.
The series combines elements of coming-of-age storytelling with procedural crime drama, offering a fresh perspective on adolescent life and friendship. The main cast includes Purnima Grätz as Kim Jülich, Bella Bading as Franzi Winkler, and Lilith Julie Johna as Marie Grevenbroich.
“The Three Detectives” has been praised for its engaging plotlines and strong performances, appealing to both younger audiences and fans of detective stories. The first season consists of 10 episodes, each with a runtime of approximately 41 minutes. The series is available for streaming on Disney+.
Additional Details:
- Purnima Grätz: Kim Jülich
- Bella Bading: Franzi Winkler
- Lilith Julie Johna: Marie Grevenbroich
- Cedric Sprick: Gellert
- Ines Marie Westernströer: Florentine
- Thomas Krutmann: Hein
- Directors: Barbara Kronenberg and Kim Strobl
- Writers: Sina Flammang and Doris Laske
No trailer available at this time.