DINUS » Penny's Mom (Bolt)
Penny's Mom (Bolt)
Last Updated on: June 22nd, 2024
Who is Penny’s Mom?
Penny’s Mom is a supporting character in Disney’s 2008 animated film Bolt. She is the caring and devoted mother of Penny, the young actress who stars in a fictional action TV show alongside her canine co-star, Bolt.
Throughout the movie, Penny’s Mom provides emotional support and stability for her daughter, particularly as Penny navigates the pressures of stardom and her deep affection for Bolt.
In the film, Penny’s Mom is portrayed as kind-hearted and understanding, balancing the complexities of her daughter’s career with the importance of their family bond. She plays a vital role in helping Penny realize that her relationship with Bolt transcends the boundaries of their scripted performances. Penny’s Mom also supports her daughter in the decision to leave the show, prioritizing Bolt’s well-being and Penny’s happiness over the demands of the entertainment industry.
The character is voiced by actress Grey DeLisle, who is widely recognized for her work in animation and voice acting.
The Collection:
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