“Lilongo” is a song from the 1944 Disney animated film “The Three Caballeros,” which tells the story of Donald Duck’s adventures in Latin America. The song was composed by Mexican musician and composer, Tata Nacho.
In the film, “Lilongo” is sung by the Brazilian parrot character José Carioca, one of the “Three Caballeros” along with Donald Duck and the rooster Panchito. The song is a lively, upbeat tune with a samba rhythm and lyrics in Portuguese that celebrate the joy of life and the beauty of Brazil.
The song is one of several musical numbers in the film that showcase the rich culture and music of Latin America, and has become a classic of the Disney musical repertoire.
Listen to Lilongo (Song)
Additional Details
- Related Disney Character(s): Donald Duck, Jose Carioca (Three Caballeros), Panchito Pistoles (The Three Caballeros)
- Song Written By: Felipe "El Charro" Gil
- Song Performed By: Trio Calaveras
- Year Released: 1938