“Mad Madam Mim” is a song from the 1963 Disney animated film “The Sword in the Stone“. The song is performed by the character of Madam Mim, a crazy and powerful sorceress who challenges Merlin to a magical duel.
In the song, Madam Mim sings about her own madness and wickedness, boasting of her abilities to transform herself into different creatures and to cause chaos and destruction. The song is an upbeat and playful number, featuring the distinctive voice of the actress Martha Wentworth, who brings Madam Mim’s eccentric character to life with her humorous and over-the-top performance.
The lyrics of the song go like this:
“I’m the magnificent, marvelous Mad Madam Mim
I can be sweet, charitable, even nice
I can be the soul of hospitality
But basically, I’m a crock
I’m the maddest of the mad
And the baddest of the bad”
The song is a humorous and entertaining moment in the movie, and it helps to establish the character of Madam Mim as a powerful and unpredictable villain who poses a serious threat to Merlin and Arthur. The song also showcases the unique and creative animation of the film, as Madam Mim transforms herself into different animals and objects, adding to the playful and whimsical tone of the song.