“Akashinga: The Brave Ones” is a documentary film that was released in 2018, directed by Maria Wilhelm and produced by James Cameron. The film showcases the groundbreaking work of Akashinga, an all-female anti-poaching unit in Zimbabwe.
The word “Akashinga” translates to “The Brave Ones” in the Shona language. The unit was created as a response to the rampant poaching of elephants and other wildlife in the region, particularly for their ivory. The documentary follows the journey of these brave women who have taken on the dangerous and challenging role of protecting their country’s wildlife.
Led by Damien Mander, a former Australian special forces soldier, the Akashinga unit recruits and trains women from disadvantaged backgrounds, including survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence. The film highlights the transformative impact that this opportunity has on the lives of these women, empowering them with a new sense of purpose and self-worth.
The film also delves into the conflict between the poachers and the Akashinga team, as they engage in intense and dangerous confrontations to protect the wildlife. The women of Akashinga demonstrate their dedication and courage in the face of adversity, challenging the notion that conservation and protection are solely male-dominated fields.
“Akashinga: The Brave Ones” serves as a touchstone for viewers seeking an inspiring and thought-provoking documentary that sheds light on the importance of conservation efforts and the power of empowering women in traditionally male-dominated roles. It showcases the resilience and determination of these extraordinary women who are making a significant impact in the fight against wildlife poaching while uplifting their own lives and communities. The film leaves audiences with a sense of hope and admiration for the brave women who have taken up the challenge to protect the earth’s precious wildlife for future generations.
Additional Details
- Movie Studio: National Geographic
- Official Page
- Year Released: 2022
- Type of Movie: Documentary
- Movie Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link
- Director: Maria Wilhelm
- Producer: Kim Butts, Drew Pulley and Maria Wilhelm
- Executive Producer: James Cameron