“The Space Race” is a 2023 National Geographic documentary that delves into the stories of pioneering Black astronauts. Directed by Lisa Cortes and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, the film celebrates the individuals who broke racial barriers on Earth as they ventured into space. It’s an insightful work that also doesn’t shy away from discussing the racial and systemic challenges these astronauts faced. The documentary has been commended for its depth of research, emotional storytelling, and its contribution to aeronautic history intertwined with cultural context.
Additional Details
- Movie Studio: National Geographic
- Official Page
- Year Released: 2023
- Type of Movie: Documentary
- Movie Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link
- Rotten Tomatoes Link
- Leland Melvin: Self
- Ed Dwight Jr.: Self
- Charles Bolden: Self
- Guion Bluford: Self
- Directors: Lisa Cortes and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza