“Toy Story 5,” the latest installment in Disney and Pixar’s cherished franchise, is scheduled for release on June 19, 2026.
Directed by Andrew Stanton, with co-direction by McKenna Harris, the film reunites audiences with beloved characters Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, and the rest of the toy ensemble. This time, the narrative delves into the challenges toys face in an era dominated by electronic devices, as they strive to capture children’s attention amidst the allure of screens.
Tim Allen, reprising his role as Buzz, has praised the script as “very, very clever,” emphasizing that the film’s creation is driven by storytelling rather than commercial motives.
Concept art unveiled at Disney’s D23 Expo depicts the toys confronting the reality of their owner being engrossed in a tablet, highlighting the emotional and humorous aspects of their quest to remain relevant.
As the toys navigate this new digital landscape, “Toy Story 5” promises to blend heartwarming moments with contemporary themes, continuing the legacy of a series that has captivated audiences for decades.
Additional Details
- Movie Studio: Pixar
- Official Page
- Year Released: 2026
- Type of Movie: Animated
- IMDB Link
- Tom Hanks: Woody
- Tim Alle: Buzz Lightyear
- Director: Andrew Stanton,
- Co-Director: McKenna Harris
- Producer: Jessica Choi