“When the Cat’s Away” is a classic Mickey Mouse short animated film that was initially released on May 3, 1929. Directed by Walt Disney and animated by Ub Iwerks and Ben Sharpsteen, it stands as the sixth installment in the Mickey Mouse film series and the third released that year. In this delightful cartoon, Mickey and Minnie are portrayed as regular-sized mice, while Tom Cat looms as a giant human-like figure.
The story unfolds as Tom Cat stumbles out of his house, intoxicated by hooch. Seizing the opportunity, mischievous Mickey organizes a group of mice to break into Tom’s home. Once inside, the mice create a lively scene by playing the piano with their dancing movements. They further engage in playful mischief by experimenting with the cat’s musical instruments and records, using themselves as the speakers and stylus. Ultimately, Mickey and Minnie triumphantly share a heartfelt kiss, adding a touch of romance to the whimsical adventure.
“When the Cat’s Away” showcases the early brilliance of Disney’s animation and storytelling, capturing the charm and inventiveness of the Mickey Mouse series during its early years.
Additional Details
- Mickey Mouse: Walt Disney
- Minnie Mouse: Marcellite Garner
- Director and Producer: Walt Disney
- Music: Carl Stalling