Could Mickey-Shaped Donuts Be Coming to Disney Parks?

Published on 9/15/17 by Craig Smith

Here is something fun to think about as the last few hours of the week drag on- Our friends at Oh My Disney (an official Disney lifestyle blog), bring to us some new sweets that are no doubt causing quite a stir among our fellow Disney fanatics over in China. Remy’s Patisserie, a bakery in Shanghai Disney Resort, is now offering Mickey-Shaped Donuts!

Yes, as you can see from the image below, these new treats are baked in the shape of Mickey Mouse’s head and iconic ears. Now, we all know that Disney is not shy about capitalizing on successful consumer formulas. Maybe if these new donuts prove to be the hit we think they will be, we will start seeing them show up in Disney restaurants stateside? Time will tell. I will be sure to update you all if the do make their way close to us….

mickey-shaped donut

Image courtesy Oh My Disney

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