Series Description:
“A Real Bug’s Life” is a Disney+ Original series from National Geographic that offers an immersive journey into the hidden world of insects. Narrated by Awkwafina, the series employs cutting-edge filming technology to capture the daily dramas and extraordinary abilities of bugs across diverse environments.
The first season, which premiered on January 24, 2024, comprises five episodes that explore various habitats:
- “The Big City” follows a jumping spider navigating the urban landscape of New York.
- “Welcome to the Jungle” introduces a Costa Rican orchid bee’s inaugural day collecting perfume.
- “Braving the Backyard” examines the adaptability of insects in a Texan backyard.
- “Land of Giants” delves into the challenges faced by bugs on the African savanna.
- “The Busy Farm” showcases the industrious lives of insects on a British farm.
The series has been praised for its innovative approach, with critics noting that it “brings Pixar’s sensibility to a natural world series.”
Additional Details:
- Narrator: Awkwafina