Series Description:
“A Thousand Blows” is an upcoming Disney+ original series set in the perilous world of illegal boxing in 1880s Victorian London. Created by Steven Knight, acclaimed for “Peaky Blinders,” the series delves into the vibrant and violent melting pot of post-industrial revolution London’s East End.
The narrative follows Hezekiah and Alec, two best friends from Jamaica who find themselves thrust into this tumultuous environment. Drawn into the criminal underbelly of the thriving boxing scene, Hezekiah encounters Mary Carr, leader of The Forty Elephants—the notorious all-female London gang—as they battle for survival on the streets. As Hezekiah hones his boxing skills, he comes up against Sugar Goodson, a seasoned and dangerous boxer, leading to an intense rivalry that extends beyond the ring.
The series stars Malachi Kirby as Hezekiah Moscow, Stephen Graham as Sugar Goodson, and Erin Doherty as Mary Carr. The ensemble cast also includes Francis Lovehall as Alec Munroe, Jason Tobin as Mr. Lao, and James Nelson-Joyce as Edward “Treacle” Goodson.
Additional Details:
- Type of Series: Live Action
- TV Channel/Platform: Hulu
- Malachi Kirby: Sugar Goodson
Steven Knight is the lead writer for the series, with episodes also written by Ameir Brown, Insook Chappell, Harlan Davies and Yasmin Joseph.
Tinge Krishnan (“WeCrashed”, “Mosquito Coast”, “Industry”) will serve as lead director and executive producer. The Original series is executive produced by Lee Mason, Director of Scripted Content EMEA for Disney+.