Series Description:
“Adventure Thru the Walt Disney Archives” is a documentary that celebrates the rich legacy of the Walt Disney Company by exploring its vast archives. Released as part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Walt Disney Archives, the film is hosted by legendary producer Don Hahn. Hahn, known for his work on Disney classics like “Beauty and the Beast” and “The Lion King,” takes viewers on a magical tour through the corridors of Disney history.
The documentary provides an insider’s view of the treasures held within the archives, including rare artifacts, costumes, artwork, and much more that have played a part in Disney’s storied history. Viewers get a glimpse of items that have not only defined the company’s legacy in entertainment but also shaped popular culture globally. The film highlights the importance of preserving history and the role that the Walt Disney Archives plays in keeping the magic of Disney alive for future generations. It’s a must-see for Disney enthusiasts and anyone interested in the art of storytelling and the preservation of cinematic history.
Additional Details:
- Producer: Becky Cline
- Director: John Gleim