Series Description:
“Becoming Cousteau” is a 2021 documentary directed by Liz Garbus that delves into the multifaceted life of Jacques-Yves Cousteau—renowned adventurer, filmmaker, inventor, author, and conservationist. The film offers an intimate portrayal of Cousteau’s evolution from a pioneering ocean explorer to a fervent environmental advocate. Utilizing newly restored archival footage, it chronicles his groundbreaking underwater expeditions, cinematic achievements, and the personal experiences that shaped his environmental consciousness.
The documentary highlights Cousteau’s early contributions to marine exploration, including the co-invention of the Aqua-Lung, which revolutionized scuba diving. It also examines his role in producing acclaimed films and television series that brought the wonders of the underwater world to a global audience. As environmental concerns grew, Cousteau became a prominent advocate for ocean preservation, warning of the dangers of climate change and pollution decades before they became mainstream issues.
“Becoming Cousteau” has been praised for its compelling narrative and visual storytelling, holding a 98% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Additional Details:
- Director: Liz Garbus
- Creators: Mark Monroe and Pax Wassermann
- Narrator: Vincent Cassel