Series Description:
“Behind the Attraction” is a Disney+ documentary series that delves into the history and development of Disney Parks’ most iconic attractions. Narrated by Paget Brewster and directed by Brian Volk-Weiss, the series offers an in-depth look at the creative processes and technological innovations behind beloved rides and experiences.
The first season, released in 2021, comprises ten episodes focusing on attractions such as the Jungle Cruise, Haunted Mansion, Star Tours, and Space Mountain. Each episode features interviews with Disney Imagineers and archival footage, providing insights into the conception, design, and evolution of these attractions over time.
Season two premiered on November 1, 2023, introducing six new episodes that explore attractions including Pirates of the Caribbean, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Indiana Jones Adventure, and EPCOT. This season also broadens its scope to include episodes on Disney Parks’ culinary offerings and nighttime spectaculars, highlighting the diverse elements that contribute to the immersive guest experience.
Produced by Dwayne Johnson’s Seven Bucks Productions and The Nacelle Company, “Behind the Attraction” combines engaging storytelling with behind-the-scenes access, making it a compelling watch for Disney enthusiasts and those interested in theme park design and history. The series is available for streaming exclusively on Disney+.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2021
- Type of Series: Documentary
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link
- Narrator: Paget Brewster
- Creator: Brian Volk-Weiss
- Director: Brian Volk-Weiss