Series Description:
“Daddies on Request” (original title: “Papás por Encargo”) is a Mexican comedy-drama series available on Disney+. The show follows California, a thirteen-year-old girl raised by her three adoptive fathers—Miguel, Morgan, and Diego. On her birthday, she receives a van from her long-lost mother, Itzel, who invites her to reunite in Zacatecas after a nine-year absence.
Eager to meet her mother, California persuades her hesitant fathers to embark on a cross-country journey through Mexico. Their adventure is filled with humor, challenges, and emotional growth, as they navigate diverse landscapes and cultures.
Unbeknownst to them, two comical thugs are trailing them with mysterious intentions. The series explores themes of family, love, and the bonds that hold us together, regardless of traditional definitions. The main cast includes Farah Justiniani as California, Jorge Blanco as Miguel, Michael Ronda as Morgan, and Lalo Brito as Diego. The first season premiered in Latin America on July 13, 2022, and was later released in the United States on November 23, 2022. The second season debuted on November 8, 2023.
“Daddies on Request” has been praised for its heartwarming narrative and representation of non-traditional families.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2022
- Type of Series: Live-Action
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link
- Jorge Blanco: Miguel
- Michael Ronda: Morgan
- Lalo Brito: Diego
- Farah Justiniani: California
- Valérie Camarena Ibarra: young California
- Fátima Molina: Itzel
- Itatí Cantoral: Maricarmen
- Karla Farfán: Paulina
- Mauricio Isaac: Patricio Sandoval
- Alfonso ‘Poncho’ Borbolla: Riquezes
- Daniel Haddad: Gamboa
- Martín Castro: Emilio
- Giovanna Reynaud: Denisse
- Santiago Torres: Neto
- Hernán Mendoza: Gustavo
- Writers: Ana Sofía Clerici and Tom Wortley
- Directors: Pato Safa and Javier Colinas
- Producer: Gabriela Valentan