“Dashing Through the Snow” is a holiday-themed Disney movie that brings a unique twist to the spirit of Christmas. The film follows the story of a New York City public school teacher who discovers he’s the son of Santa Claus.
As he navigates this revelation, he finds himself embroiled in an unexpected adventure to save Christmas. The narrative explores themes of family, identity, and the magic of the holiday season, all wrapped in the warmth and charm typical of Disney’s festive productions. This film aims to capture the hearts of viewers with its blend of humor, holiday cheer, and the fantastical elements of the Santa Claus mythos.
Additional Details:
- Eddie Garrick: Chris “Ludacris” Bridges
- Allison Garrick: Teyonah Parris
- Charlotte: Madison Skye Validum
- Nick: Lil Rel Howery
- Director: Tim Story
- Written By: Scott Rosenberg
- Producers: John Jacobs and Will Packer