Series Description:
Dino Ranch is an animated children’s television series that premiered on Disney Junior in January 2021.
The show is set on a ranch that is home to both dinosaurs and cowboys, and follows the adventures of a family who live and work on the ranch. The family consists of three siblings, Jon, Min, and Miguel, who are tasked with taking care of the dinosaurs and keeping them safe.
The dinosaurs on the ranch are portrayed as friendly and helpful, and each one has its own unique personality and abilities. The show combines elements of science fiction, westerns, and family-friendly storytelling, and aims to teach young viewers about teamwork, problem-solving, and respect for nature.
Dino Ranch was created by Matt Fernandes and produced by Industrial Brothers and Boat Rocker Studios. The show has received positive reviews for its diverse cast, engaging storylines, and educational themes.
Additional Details:
- Tyler James Nathan
- Ava Ro
- Jacob Mazeral
- Scott Gorman
- Athena Karkanis
- Joshua Graham
- Creator: Matthew Fernandes
- Producers: Anna Keenan, Stephanie Gauthier Watson