Series Description:
“Disney Family Album” is a television series that aired on The Disney Channel from 1984 to 1985. The show was created and hosted by Leonard Maltin, a film critic and historian known for his extensive knowledge of Disney films and animation.
Each episode of “Disney Family Album” offered a fascinating and in-depth look at the life and career of a different notable figure from the world of Disney. Leonard Maltin interviewed key individuals who had made significant contributions to Disney’s animation, films, and theme parks.
The series featured profiles of various Disney legends, including animators, directors, voice actors, Imagineers, and other creative talents associated with the Walt Disney Company. Viewers were taken on a journey through the personal and professional lives of these individuals, learning about their inspirations, challenges, and accomplishments within the Disney world.
“Disney Family Album” provided a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the magic and artistry of Disney, offering a deeper appreciation for the talented people who have shaped the beloved entertainment empire.
The show’s format and Leonard Maltin’s insightful interviews made it a favorite among Disney enthusiasts and animation fans. “Disney Family Album” contributed to preserving the rich history and legacy of Disney, celebrating the creative minds behind the beloved characters and stories that have captivated audiences for generations.
While “Disney Family Album” aired in the 1980s and had a limited run, it remains a treasured part of Disney’s television history and a valuable resource for those interested in the behind-the-scenes workings of the iconic entertainment company.
Additional Details:
- Narrator: Buddy Ebsen
No trailer available at this time.