Series Description:
“Everything’s Gonna Be Okay” is a comedy-drama television series that premiered on Freeform (formerly known as ABC Family) in 2020. The show was created by Australian comedian and writer Josh Thomas, who also stars as the main character.
The story revolves around Nicholas (Josh Thomas), a 25-year-old Australian who is visiting his father and two half-sisters in the United States. During his visit, Nicholas’s father reveals that he has terminal cancer and asks Nicholas to take care of his sisters after he is gone. This unexpected responsibility forces Nicholas to step into the role of guardian for his half-sisters, Matilda (played by Kayla Cromer) and Genevieve (played by Maeve Press).
Matilda is a high-functioning autistic teenager who is fiercely independent and longs for a sense of normalcy in her life. Genevieve is a quirky and unpredictable pre-teen who struggles to find her place in the world. As Nicholas takes on the role of a guardian, he navigates the challenges of raising his sisters while dealing with his own personal struggles and uncertainties.
“Everything’s Gonna Be Okay” is praised for its authentic and heartfelt portrayal of family dynamics, neurodiversity, and LGBTQ+ representation. The show explores themes of love, acceptance, and the complexities of sibling relationships in a sincere and comedic manner.
The series received positive reviews for its humor, emotional depth, and compelling performances by the cast. Josh Thomas’s portrayal of Nicholas and Kayla Cromer’s portrayal of Matilda, in particular, were lauded for their authenticity and sensitivity in depicting neurodiversity.
In addition to its positive reception from critics and audiences, “Everything’s Gonna Be Okay” has been recognized for its progressive representation of LGBTQ+ characters. The show features openly gay characters and explores themes of sexuality and identity in a refreshing and inclusive way.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2020
- Type of Series: Live-Action
- TV Channel/Platform: Freeform
- IMDB Link
- Josh Thomas: Nicholas
- Kayla Cramer: Matilda
- Maeve Press: Genevieve
- Adam Faison: Alex
- Executive Producers: Stephanie Swedlove, David Martin, Jon Thoday, Richard Allen-Turne and Kevin Whyte
- Writer: Josh Thomas
Show Trailer:
Related News:
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- Freeform Promises ‘Everything’s Gonna Be Okay,’ With Series Premiere on Thursday, Jan. 16, September 28, 2019
- ‘Everything’s Gonna Be Okay,’ From Critically Acclaimed Writer and Comedian Josh Thomas, Picked Up to Series by Freeform, December 13, 2018